» » » Canon Speedlite 580EX Mark II

Canon Speedlite 580EX Mark II

Canon Speedlite 580EX Mark II

  • Canon Speedlite 580ex II controlled by Canon EOS 40d

    The EOS 40d as well as the 1d Mk III can control the Speedlite settings and Custom functions through the camera menu.

  • Fotografieren mit der Canon Speedlite 580EX II / 430EX II

    Ihr neues Canon EX II Speedlite kann das wichtigste Zubehör in Ihrer Kameratasche sein! Es kommt nur darauf an, dieses Gerät richtig einzusetzen und seine Funktionen zu verstehen. Das lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt mit dieser DVD. Der Moderator Tim Mantoani erklärt diese fabelhaften Blitzgeräte an praktischen Beispielen. Ob Sie nun nur ein Speedlite oder mehrere verwenden Tim bietet Ihnen Lösungen, wie Sie zum bestmöglichen Ergebnis kommen. Aus dem Inhalt: •Blitzbelichtungskorrektur •Der Blitz als Hauptlicht oder zur Aufhellung •FP- oder High-Speed-Synchronisation •Langzeitsynchronisation enträtseln •Hartes oder weiches Licht •Automatische oder manuelle Zoom-Einstellung •Blitzbelichtungsreihen •Vorblitz-Messwertspeicherung •Steuerung des Blitzes über die Kamera •Manueller Modus und Belichtungskorrektur •Drahtloser Betrieb •A, B und C-Gruppen: Was ist das? •Slave-Gruppen •Entfesseltes Blitzen •Synchronisation auf den ersten und zweiten Verschlussvorhang •Stroboskopblitz •und vieles mehr! Diese DVD macht dort weiter, wo das Bediener-Handbuch endet. Sie hilft Ihnen, Blitzlichtfotografie in das Spektrum Ihrer fotografischen Techniken zu integrieren. Tim Montoani arbeitet seit über zwanzig Jahren als professioneller Fotograf. Von Profi-Sportlern bis zu Prominenten, von Mode bis Sachaufnahmen reicht sein Arbeitsbereich. Seine Bilder erschienen in vielen Werbekampagnen und Magazinen. http:www.kaiser-fototchnik.de PAL: all regions

  • Canon 580EX II

    This Canon 580EX II is the premier Speedlite for all photographers, including professionals. Other Canon 580EX II Speedlite features include improved communication reliability through direct contacts and silent recycling, up to 20% faster compared to its predecessor, the 580EX.

  • Canon Speedlite 580EX II slideshow

    Canon Speedlite 580EX II

  • Canon Speedlite 580EX flash review

    www.kuwaitvista.com ...for more info and videos.

  • Quick and Crappy Canon Speedlite 580ex II Overview 2/5

    [Part 2/5] Video of the features of the Canon Speedlite 580ex II that I use the most. No apologies for the rushed nature of this overview. If you want complete specs, google it or go to the Canon website. Video only for illustration of the UI of the flash. * Multi Mode (Stroboscopic Flash) * 1/4 (max power level) to 1/128 power level * 1Hz to 199Hz frequency. ** 1-20Hz 1Hz Increments. ** 20-45Hz 5Hz Increments. ** 45-199Hz 10 Hz Increments. * Option to Limit about of Multi/strobe flashes, (depending on power level, Max flashes on 1/128 is 40) *Custion Function 05 (Flash Metering Mode) **00 ETTL II mode **01 TTL (Film SLR Only) **02 Auto External (thyristor) Flash, Needs 40d or Mark III **03 Manual External Flash, any Canon EOS, need to set ISO (25-1600) and f-Stop (f1.0 to f91)

  • Quick and Crappy Canon Speedlite 580ex II Overview 4/5

    [Part 4/5] Video of the features of the Canon Speedlite 580ex II that I use the most. No apologies for the rushed nature of this overview. If you want complete specs, google it or go to the Canon website. Video only for illustration of the UI of the flash. * Battery Compartment (New door design from 580ex) * High Voltage Port (to connect external battery packs) * Canon Flash Bracket thread * "PC" Sync cable Connection, Input Only (Stands for Prontor-Compur, not Personal Computer) Useful for studio work, or if the Hotshoe isn't working, to sync the flash to the camera (needs a camera with a PC sync out) *Weather Sealed hotshoe mount (needs 40d or Mark III dSlR's), whole unit is weather sealed. [Note: 40d is only lightly weather sealed, while this flash and the 1d - series of Canon EOS Slr's are completely weatherproofed, also only L-Series lenses are weatherproofed as well] *Lever style lock, (easier than the old screw style lock) + Locking pin on the hotshoe.

  • Quick and Crappy Canon Speedlite 580ex II Overview 3/5

    [Part 3/5] Video of the features of the Canon Speedlite 580ex II that I use the most. No apologies for the rushed nature of this overview. If you want complete specs, google it or go to the Canon website. Video only for illustration of the UI of the flash. *Zoom Head ** Auto (camera controlled) ** Manual setting, 24 28 35 50 70 80 105 * 14mm Diffuser Panel (Head zooms to 24mm setting) * White Plastic Catchlight panel (Putting sparkle into people eyes) Works best when head straight up + facing subject *360 degree rotation left/right *7 degrees down (indicator flashes on LCD, limits flash to 2meters - less) * 0 to 90 Degrees Up (0 facing subject, 90 facing straight up) with locks at 45 60 and 75 degrees.

  • Quick and Crappy Canon Speedlite 580ex II Overview 5/5

    [Part 5/5] Video of the features of the Canon Speedlite 580ex II that I use the most. No apologies for the rushed nature of this overview. If you want complete specs, google it or go to the Canon website. Video only for illustration of the UI of the flash. *Auto Focus Assist Light (up to 45 AF points covered, lower models, only cover 9 or 5 AF points) ** Lower Light, projects bight vertical Lines **Top Left (from Our Point of view) projects Big/Dim Horizontal lines **Top Right projects moderately Bright horizontal lines. When the camera (tested on 350d and 40d) is set to Auto AF point selection, the Lower and Top Right AF Assist lights light up. When the Center or any of the AF points directly above or below (in Landscape orientation) the center AF points are selected, only the Lower AF assist light lights up. When any other of the AF points are selected (other and center and the ones above and below) both the Top Left and Right AF Assist Lights light up.

  • Quick and Crappy Canon Speedlite 580ex II Overview 1/5

    [Part 1/5] Video of the features of the Canon Speedlite 580ex II that I use the most. No apologies for the rushed nature of this overview. If you want complete specs, google it or go to the Canon website. Video only for illustration of the UI of the flash. *Default E-TTL II Mode *Set Button/Control Dial ** Flash Exposure Compensation +- 3 stops, 1/3 stop increments. ** Flash Exposure Bracketing 0-3 Stops, 1/3 stop increments/ *Manual Flash Mode, 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 Power Level, with 1/3 power level increments in between each of the listed levels.

  • Canon EOS - Chris Bray Creative Tutorial: Advantages of Canon Speedlite

    Explore the creative possibilities available when using a Canon speedlite. Chris Bray presents many of the great features of the Canon 270EX, 430EX Mark II and 580EX Mark II Speedlights. Join in, find the inspiration for your photography and share at www.canon.com.au/worldofeos

  • Tutorial: Canon EOS 5D Mark II - External Speedlite Ratio Controls (Part II)

    Canon EOS 5D Mark II - External Speedlite Ratio Controls with Bruce Dorn, courtesy of Canon USA.

  • Canon speedlite 580EX II (Best Flash)

    canon Speedlite 580 Ex Tags: Leica M9, Leica M8, Sumiron M, Nikon D700, Canon 5D Mark II, 24-70mm, 24-200mm

  • Canon Speedlite 580EX II: A Brief Overview

    Canon Speedlite 580EX II: A Brief Overview

  • Canon Speedlite 580EX II [REVIEW]

    Sample shots: flic.kr logiclounge.com - http - gplus.to || I have a nice treat for you all. I got my hands on the Canon Speedlite 580EX II from Canon. This is a massive external flash and is excellent for amateurs and professionals alike who need a external flash for composing their shots. This is a professional, top of the line flash that should be in everyones camera bag. It has a range of shooting profiles for up close and far away. This flash can be used on any of the Canon DSLR from the crop frame to full frame sensor, as long as it has a regular hot shoe. I had a fun time with this flash and I know that if you're a profession or semi-professional photographer this is the flash to get.

  • canon speedlite 580EX II problem

    Canon speedlite 580EX II ploit test not working right whats going on? this was already fixed Im just keeping the video to let users know whats going on

  • Canon Speedlite 580EX II Tutorial Part 2

    Exploring the menu on the Canon Speedlite 580EX II and Canon 7d. We will look at the features, how to navigate through the menus, and quick overview of the modes.

  • Canon Speedlite 580EX II Tutorial Part 1

    Part 1 of a series of tutorials for the Canon Speedlite. How to use the ETTL mode while shooting macro.