Direkter Link zum Pearl Online-Shop: goo.gl Laden Sie Ihre Akkus unterwegs und zu Hause besonders umweltfreundlich auf Ob beim Campen oder zu Hause: Das Solar-Ladegerät versorgt Ihre Akkus stets mit frischer Energie: Einfach in die Sonne stellen, zB aufs Fenster- oder Armaturenbrett. Das extra große Hochleistungspanel liefert bei Sonnenschein beachtliche 150 mAh und lädt zwei typische AAA-Akkus damit in gut einem Nachmittag. Eine Status-LED signalisiert Ihnen dabei den aktuellen Ladestand. Ebenso umweltfreundlich wie das Ladegerät erweisen sich auch die beiliegenden ReCyko-Akkus von GP. Diese Hybrid-Akkus überzeugen durch eine extrem niedrige Selbstentladung. Selbst nach 12 Monaten Lagerung sind in den ReCyko-Akkus noch rund 85% der Kapazität vorhanden. Damit sind die ReCyko-Akkus auch bestens für Geräte, die Sie nur gelegentlich verwenden, wie zB Kameras, Taschenlampen, MP3-Player uvm Da die Akkus bereits komplett vorgeladen sind, können Sie diese sofort einsetzen. * Leistungsstarkes 8"-Solarpanel * Lädt 2 Akkus (Typ AA oder AAA) bis zu 5 Stunden schnell * Ladestrom: 150 mA bei direktem Sonnenlicht * Spannung: 4,2 Volt * Kompakte Maße: 110 x 100 x 160 mm, reisefreudige 104 g leicht (netto) * Inklusive 2 GP ReCyko-Akkus (Typ AAA, 850 mAh), deutsche Anleitung
ReCyko rechargeable batteries GP Batteries, a worldwide manufacturer of batteries, has developed a brand-new power source - GP ReCyko Batteries. It combines the advantages of both single-use and rechargeable batteries. The name ReCyko derives from Latin "recycle" (meaning "repeated use"), since this innovation is based on the concepts of Ecology, Economy and Efficiency. GP ReCyko can be recharged up to 1000 times, which is equivalent to the use of 1000 alkaline batteries. Currently, rated capacity of GP ReCyko rechargeables is the top possible for this technology - 2100 mAh for AA size and 850 mAh for AAA. Main technical innovation of GP ReCyko is the possibility to use them immediately after purchase like normal batteries, without extra charging. However, in contrast to alkaline batteries, GP ReCyko last 4 times longer in digital cameras. Another main advantage of GP ReCyko is excellent performance at high and low temperatures: thus, a common nickel metal hydride rechargeable battery delivers 40% of its capacity at -20°C, whereas GP ReCyko delivers 70% of the same at a lower temperature of -30 °C. Extra-long charge retention properties of new GP ReCyko rechargeable batteries enable significant improvement in portable consumer electronics use. For instance, one can start using a digital camera after a long break. Rechargeable batteries' increased reliability expands potential sphere of their application. GP ReCyko can be used in medical devices, such as sphygmomanometers <b>...</b>
Tilbudspakke med 8 stk. GP 2050 mAh NiMH LR6/AA genopladelige batterier, 4 stk. GP 820 NiMH LR3/AAA genopladelige batterier, 220V lader og 12V ladekabel for opladning i bil, 2 stk. C batteri adaptere og 2 stk. D adaptere.
New battery technology combining the benefits of Alkaline and Rechargeable batteries. 1 GP ReCyko = 1 000 Alkaline Batteries ! Available at: PhotoFinish - Worthing, Sunset Crest, Cave Shepherd Cave Shepherd - Broad Street, Sunset Crest, Worthing www.gprecyko.com http
Video review for Maxuss 1.2V 3000mAh Ni-MH AA Rechargeable Batteries (2-Pack)
GP PB14 charging deviceThe GP Power Bank 14 charging device uses an AC adapter to connect to the mains supply. The adapter works at voltages ranging form 100 to 240 V. The device can charge up to four rechargeable AA or AAA batteries. It is designed for charging nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and nickel cadmium (NiCd) rechargeable batteries. Charge time ranges from 1 hour 20 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the battery's capacity. The maximum charging rate is 2 A.The device is controlled by a custom microprocessor. It has 4 independent charging channels. Each channel terminates charging independently. The time of charging termination is determined by the following methods:- negative voltage drop (the voltage difference method)- temperature control- safety timerThe charging device has in-built battery overheating protection, damaged and alkaline battery detection circuitry, and 4 LED indicators. Safety is guaranteed.Turn the NiMH/NiCd switch to the position corresponding with the type of the battery charged. Insert batteries into the charging device observing the polarity. Batteries must be inserted correctly. To charge AAA batteries simply turn the revolving switch to the corresponding position. Connect the adapter to the charging device and plug it into the mains. It is possible to use the power adapter with the 12 V input. It can be plugged into a cigarette lighter receptacle in an automobile. If the red LEDs are on, it indicates that charging is in process. If a red LED <b>...</b>
GP PB65 Charging DeviceThe GP Power Bank 65 charging device uses an AC adapter to connect to the mains supply. The device can charge up to 4 nickel metal hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries, sizes AA and AAA. Charge time ranges from 1 hour 30 minutes to 45 minutes depending on the battery's capacity.The device is controlled by a custom microprocessor. It has 4 independent charging channels. The charging rate is 2 A for AA batteries and 1.1 A for AAA batteries. Each channel terminates charging independently. The point of charging termination is determined by the following methods: negative voltage drop, temperature control, safety timer, battery overheating protection or by damaged and alkaline battery detection circuitry. Additional boost turns on after the primary charging has finished. The device has convenient LED and n-character display indicators as well as a digital clock. Safety is guaranteed.Connect the adapter to the charging device and plug it in. A green LED will turn on.Open the lid of the battery compartment and insert batteries observing the polarity. If charging is in process the charging indicator and the battery symbols will be slowly blinking. If damaged or alkaline batteries were by mistake inserted into the device you will see a quickly blinking error symbol. In this case charging will not occur. When the batteries are be fully charged they will switch to the additional boost mode. The battery symbols corresponding to the slots will disappear. The <b>...</b>