FinePix REAL 3D W1 使用ガイドムービーAll Rights Reserved by 富士フイルム
Movie taken by Fujifilm Finepix REAL 3D W1. Converted to color anaglyph by Stereo Movie Maker.
It is taking a picture of the test of REAL 3D W1. It took a picture of the camera having it by the hand. 東京湾大華火祭 TOKYO HANABI FESTIVAL 2009 平成21年8月8日、FinePix REAL 3D W1でテスト撮影。 三脚無し、オートで撮影。後半は花火鑑賞のため撮影中止(笑) 撮影の改善点:前景が飛び出さないように、マニュアルで視差調整をすること。 Stereo Movie Makerで左右分離〜Final Cut Proで編集(カラコレ無し)〜yt3d:enable=true。
It is taking a picture of the test of REAL 3D W1. 自転車走行撮影をテスト。 オートで撮影。 こんな感じでぶら下げてみました(笑) After Effectsでの編集、3DTransitionのテスト。 Stereo Movie Makerで左右分離~AfterEfectsで各種Effect、Transition~Final Cut Proで編集(1280×480)~CompressorでH.264で書き出し〜yt3d:enable=true。
Test footage (photo and video) of the 3D camera Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W1
Here is an example of how the 3D images shot by fujifilm's latest 3D camera would look like.
Anaglyph Video composed from 3D-AVI of Camera Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W1 by StereoMovie Maker
Menu a schermo della fotocamera 3D Fujifilm Finepix Real 3D W1.
Michinobe-hachimangu(Hachiman-jinjya) 道野辺八幡宮(八幡神社)。Slide show test。 Stereo Photo Makerで左右分離~AfterEfects、Final Cut Proで編集~CompressorでH.264で書き出し〜yt3d:enable=true。(1280×480)
It is taking a picture of the test of REAL 3D W1. It took a picture of the camera having it by the hand. 東京湾大華火祭 TOKYO HANABI FESTIVAL 2010 平成22年8月14日、FinePix REAL 3D W1でテスト撮影。 三脚無し、オートで撮影。 StereoSplicerで左右分離〜Final Cut Proで編集(カラコレ有り)〜yt3d:enable=true。
Suricata ミーアキャット 3D Fuji FINEPIX REAL 3D W1
Ecco la Fujifilm Finexpix Real 3D W1, fotocamera con doppia ottica per riprendere foto e video in 3D.
It is taking a picture of the test of REAL 3D W1.
Подробнее Фотокамера Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W1 инновационное устройство, которое перевернет ваше представление о фото- и видеокамерах. С ее помощью можно делать снимки и видеоролики не только в привычном 2D, но и в 3D - причем одновременно! Два объектива и множество настроек съемки позволят вам реализовать самые смелые творческие возможности.
Sidebyside Stereo Video composed from 3D-AVI of Camera Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W1 by StereoMovie Maker
This is a short Test-Clip of my aquarium made with the new 3D-Kamera Fuji W1. I also have two Casio EX-F1 for 3D-slowmotion: My fishes aren´t that spectacular, but perhaps you find it interesting how the video-quality of the camera is. The pictures are pretty good, but there is noise. The max. video-quality is 2 x 640 x 480 px, but the codec is MJPEG, and there are a lot of artefacts. This could be much better! Nevertheless, it`s very funny to try it out and to play with it. 2 Tips for 3D on youtube: - Upload in pair-view; to get the right results youtube need the clip in crossview (left=right, right=left) "yt3d:enable=true"
Japan's FujiFilm is planning to add a new dimension to photography this year when it launches a camera that can snap 3D images.