- Box opening and a little tour of the brand new 12-megapixel, waterproof, shockproof and freezeproof Pentax Optio W90 digital camera. More -
Видео обзор цифрового фотоаппарата класса ультразум Pentax Optio X90:
Sample videos by my old camera and new camera. Kenko DSC525Z vs Pentax Optio E90 My posted videos by Old Kenko cam, with noise sounds But with new camera, no annoying sounds on video RC airplane EP: F8F Bearcat by ThunderTiger
펜탁스 x90샘플동영상 1台にオールマイティな機能を満載した26倍ズームカメラ
Pentax X70 on võimsa suumobjektiiviga varustatud kompaktkaamera, millel on manuaalsed pildistamisvõimalused ja HD videofunktsioon. Tegemist on aasta tagasi lavale astunud X70 järglasega ning Pentaxi teise supersuumiga . Mida üldse tähendab 26-kordne suum? Millised omadused teevad Pentax X90-ne üheks paremaks supersuumkaameraks? Kuidas saab pildistada pikka panoraampilti ilma mitut fotot arvutis kokku panemata? Nendele ja paljudele muudele küsimustele Anton selles videos (2. osa) vastabki.
For More Info or to Buy Now: PENTAX X90 12MP 26X Optical Zoom SLR-Style Digital Camera with 4GB SDHC CardCapture detailed closeup photos, even when shooting from a distance, with an impressive 26X optical zoom, or zoom out to... Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #956099
Pentax X90 720p video samples
Captured at 1280x720 @ 15 FPS Note that this video may be modified by Youtube for efficiency and quality may differ from the original.
Epi annihilator 4 guitar rig pentax optio x90 I think there's still a small in error the intro? Cool song to play once mastered,good old german thrash metal ;-]
Timelapse of the traffic in the afternoon shot with my Pentax X90 in 10 seconds interval.
Produktvorstellung Pentax Optio H90 ■12,1 Megapixel CCD Sensor ■5-fach optischer Zoom - 28-140 mm KB ■HDTV Video - 720p bei 30 B/Sek. ■Gesichtserkennung ■Hochwertiges Aluminium Gehäuse
Pentax Optio H90で撮影した動画です。
The Pentax X90 Super zoom camera features a 26X zoom from 26-676 mm with a 12 MP CCD sensor offering ISO from 80 to 6400. Pentax X90 Digital Camera Delkin 8GB SDHC Memory Card Pentax D-LI106 Battery Ikelite 6242.95 Underwater Housing
Pentax x90 video test, just filming at Hanwell with my camera to see what the video is like
Just got this nice little super zoom camera that does time lapse photography, so I tried it out at home. I assembled the clips in Picasa 3.
Obejzyj w wersji HD Watch in HD Regarder en HD ================ Pierwszy film w HD z udzialem Talgo (i Ajron'a). Ujecie nakrecone na nowym sprzecie: Pentax X90. My first video on HD, with my new Pentax X90. Mon premier film en HD filmee avec mon nouveau appareil Pentax X90.
Acquista ora da Amazon Italy Descrizione prodotto CAVO DATI USB per Nuovo, in confezione originaleProdotto non originale ma che rispetta elevati standard di qualità garantiti dalla casa VHBW! Cavo USB per trasferire dati da fotocamere a Pc Lunghezza: 1,5 metri Sostituisce i seguenti cavi originali : Nikon UC-E6 Pentax I-USB7 / I-USB 7 Per i seguenti modelli : Pentax KR, KR, K-5, K5, K-7, K7, Kx, Kx, X-90, X90 Pentax Optio RZ10, W90, I10, I-10, H90, H-90 Nikon CoolPix P7000 Rivelazione: Neukom partecipa al Programma Affiliazione Amazon EU, un programma di affiliazione che consente ai siti di percepire una commissione pubblicitaria pubblicizzando e fornendo link al sito Amazon e il logo Amazon sono marchi registrati di Amazon, Inc. o delle sue affiliate.