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Sony DSC-TX 1 Grijs

Sony DSC-TX 1 Grijs

  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC TX-1 test video HD 720p

    Sony Cyber-shot DSC TX-1 test video HD 720p

  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1

    Цифровий фотоапарат Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1

  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 Reviewed by HighTechDad

    The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 is a nice, compact point-and-shoot, even with HD recording capabilities. Watch the video for a quick review or for the full review and more, visit: www.hightechdad.com

  • Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX1 REVIEW (2/2)

    A review of the new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX1. DSC-TX1 AMAZON.COM- tinyurl.com Previous Model (DSC-T500/900) AMAZON.COM- tinyurl.com This camera uses the new "Exmor R" lens system, and supports HD video of 720P at 30 Frames a second. The low light photo quality is good, the low light video is not any better then previous Sony cameras.

  • Unboxed: Sony Cybershot DSC-TX1

    Unboxing video of my mum's new Sony camera. Picked this one up today for RM1499 ($438) at the Sony Style store in Gurney Plaza, Penang. I really dig the colour and would have gotten it, if I hadn't had my Sony W300 already. The camera came with a number of accessories, the 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo card, a case and a bag. Also, in the video at around 1:00, I mentioned that the camera comes with the NP-FD1 Sony battery, it actually comes with the NP-BD1 Sony battery.

  • Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX1 REVIEW (1/2)

    A review of the new Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX1. DSC-TX1 AMAZON.COM- tinyurl.com Previous Model (DSC-T500/900) AMAZON.COM- tinyurl.com This camera uses the new "Exmor R" lens system, and supports HD video of 720P at 30 Frames a second. The low light photo quality is good, the low light video is not any better then previous Sony cameras.

  • Sony DSC-TX1, WX1 and Partyshot: Digital Cameras & Partyshot Photographer

    The Sony TX1 & WX1 are a pair of new cameras that feature a 10 MP sensor, sweep panorama function, twilight mode, HD Video capture, and more. The Partyshot allows you to enjoy your events and get great photos without having to worry about a photographer. DSC-TX1 Camera bit.ly DSC-WX1 Camera bit.ly IPT-DS1 Party-Shot bit.ly

  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 HD Video Night Shot 2 [ 720p@30fps ]

    Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 HD Video Night Shot [ 720p@30fps ]

  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 Test HD

    Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 Test HD Salino, Val di Vara, Liguria, Italy

  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1/H testing the HD video function on my way to work

    a little shaky test video, the sound quality could be better if it had stereo, but its enough for its size, nice touch screen easy to handle and the video zoom function is a big plus

  • Sony DSC-TX1 hands-on

    More info an images can be found at www.usporedi.hr


    SONY 讓歡樂的記憶更加圓滿

  • Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 HD Video Night Shot [ 720p@30fps ]

    Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX1 HD Video Night Shot [ 720p@30fps ]

  • Testvideo: Sony DSC-TX 9

    Testvideo gemaakt met de Sony DSC-TX 9.

  • Cyber-shot DSC-TX1

    www.sony.jp ソニーは、高感度を実現した「裏面照射型構造」のCMOSセンサーを搭載することにより、室内や夜景などの暗所でもノイズの少ない高画質を実現したデジタルスチルカメラサイバーショット『DSC-WX1』『DSC-TX1』を発売します。両機は、高速CMOSセンサー・高性能レンズ・高速画像処理回路の連携により、秒間10枚の高速連写やパノラマ撮影機能なども搭載しています。 「裏面照射型構造」のCMOSセンサーExmor R(エクスモア アール)のデジタルスチルカメラへの搭載は世界で初めて※2です。 また、両機に搭載した顔検出・笑顔検出・新開発の構図アルゴリズム技術を駆使し、カメラが自動で撮影を行うユニークなカメラアクセサリー「Party-shot(パーティーショット)」も併せて発売します。

  • Sony DSC TX-10 - test opname Onderwater (Underwater)

    Sony DSC TX-10 used at (little) Curaçao. Snorkeling at 5m. With turtles. HD 1080p quality.

  • Der Straßenbelag wir erneuert - Sony DSC-TX1

    Nach über 34 Jahren hat sich die Stadt Düsseldorf endlich bereit erklärt unsere Straße zu erneuern. Als Nebenstraße wird sie im Winter weder vom Schnee noch vom Eis befreit. Dadurch hat der Straßenbelag unglaublich gelitten. Frostaufbrüche und tiefe Schlaglöcher haben die Straße fast unbefahrbar gemacht. Ein Straßenbaufirma hat den Untergrund und die Fahrbahn wieder erneuert. Jetzt macht das Befahren unserer Straße endlich wieder Freude. Ich möchte ausdrücklich betonen, dass während der Bauarbeiten der früher üblich Teergestank nicht zu riechen war. Und die Baufirma hat auch während der Bauarbeiten Rücksicht auf die Anwohner genommen. Die Arbeiten wurden im Mai/Juni 2011 durchgeführt. Kamera: Sony Cybershot DSC-TX1

  • Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX 20 Test 1 AVCHD 1080p

    Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-TX 20 Test 1 AVCHD 1080p Мой каналы : www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com