There are good reasons to get this lens. The main one being the 17-55 is a constant F/2.8 aperture which lets you do SO many things including low light photography, better video, good "bokeh" (blurred backgrounds) and more. Good lens for upgrading from the 18-55 "kit" lens.
I took the plung and decided to remove the front element of my Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM lens. This is a detailed video procedure for removing the front element and it even discusses calibrating the lens for any front/back focus issues. Please reference further discussion and details pertaining to this video at PERFORM THIS PROCEDURE AT YOUR OWN RISK
Awesome zoom lens! This is my main walk around lens. It takes beautiful pictures from landscape to portrait.
Canon EF-S 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM Unboxing
I've owned my Canon 40D and the EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 for six months now. It is still the primary lens I use and it has never let me down yet. It has taken a pretty good hit against a wall and the wall actually took more damage than the lens. I recommend going the extra financial mile to pick up this lens.
EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM mounted on 1000D , fastest focus speed could do in bright condition. Great lens, but for video use, there are better options
Video da lente que acabei de receber. Estas são só as primeiras impressões pois como ainda não fiz muitos testes não pude dar a minha opinião ou veredito. Comprei esta lente para usar com a 7D, que ainda não chegou mas pelo que vi esta lente é bastante adequada por ter abertura fixa (principalmente para video). Nos próximos dias vou postar mais alguns videos e espero que ajude quem estiver na dúvida a tomar uma decisão já que esta não é uma lente barata. Também achei importante postar este video porque os poucos videos que tem são em inglês. OBS: Sei que normalmente video de abrir caixa é coisa de gringo, mas como explico no video, recebi esta camera dos EUA e foi só para registrar caso estivesse faltando algo ou eventualmente com alguma avaria.
Unboxing Lensa Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM
Testing out the Canon 7D!
After 7 months I wanted to let you know what I think of this lens. It's not built as well as "L" series lenses but it's close and the optics are as good in my opinion. One of the best lenses for almost any type of photography.
In this video we take a look at a crop-sensor lens for a change - the Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 EF-S lens. We take some test shots by doing "Horsemanning". Find out what the lens is like and what the hell Horsemanning is in the video. Pricing reference:
Field test with the Canon 7d using a Canon EF-S 17-55 F/2.8 IS USM LENS set at 400 iso. Manual focus with native audio. Great lens with or without much light.. SUPERIOR lens with natural light and well worth the money.
Video I shot at the bar in the Porthole Restaurant in Portland, Maine with the EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS USM attached to the Canon 7D. Great example of depth of field (@ 2.8) and video quality (@1080p). However, it appears that YouTube compresses it a good bit so it wound up a little blocky in the final uploaded version.
I have used this lens for about 2 weeks now and don't want to take it off my camera. It's one of the best lenses available in the focal range. I recommend it for some users.
The 17-55 is often pitted against the 18-55 kit lens on forums but there arten't that many videos of the two side by side. This video was something i slapped together for the POTN forum when someone asked about focusing speed. I mostly use my 7D these days but with the 500D if you can't upgrade quick USM lenses solves some of the shortcomings of the AF sensor on the Rebel cameras.
Canon EOS 60D + EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM
New lens testing on my 7D - really versatile and great image quality. Wanted to make a really epic/filmic sequence, with sweeping camera moves, film aspect, and slow-motion, demonstrated by un-epic parkour jumps :) All shot in slow motion at 720p 60fps ISO: 100 F/Stop: 2.8 Shutter: 1/2000 to 1/4000 Editing: Premiere Pro CS5 Grading: Magic Bullet Music: Salomon Ligthelm
Heute muss die teuerste aller Canon EF-S Linsen unter Beweiß stellen, ob sie ihr Geld wert ist. Wenn Ihnen dieses Video gefällt, würde ich mich über ein "Mag ich" freuen. Achja, Kanal abonnieren nicht vergessen! :) Musik: CommixV ("Airport Lounge", "Slow Burn") by Kevin MacLeod (