Demonstrating how two "Elinchrom D-Lite 4 it" strobes works with one "Vagabond II" power pack. One "Elinchrom D-Lite 4 it" strobe and one "AlienBees B800" strobe together also works with one "Vagabond II" power pack.
Demonstrating how two "Elinchrom D-Lite 4 it" strobes works with one "Vagabond II" power pack. One "Elinchrom D-Lite 4 it" strobe and one "AlienBees B800" strobe together also works with one "Vagabond II" power pack.
The Elinchrom D-Lite IT 400Ws 2-Light To Go Set (90-260VAC) expands the possibilities of a lightweight, portable strobe kit. With two 400Ws D-Lite IT (Intelligent Trigger) portable flashes, two 9' (2.75 m) light stands, a Skyport ECO transmitter for wireless triggering of your strobes, two 25 x 25" (63.5 x 63.5 cm) softboxes and a wide-angle 90° reflector, this kit covers a lot of ground in a compact package. Plus, you get a sync cord, a stand bag to protect your light stands, a user manual, DVD intro and guide and a carrying case for storing and transporting the entire kit.
Koduse väiksema fotostuudio rajamiseks ei ole ideaalsemat komplekti kui Elinchromi uus D-Lite-it 4 To Go Set komplekt. Selles on olemas kõik, mida esmaseks stuudiovälkudega pildistamiseks vaja on - statiivid, sisseehitatud raadiosaatjate ja orjasilmadega välgupead, softboksid ja reflektor. Isegi kaamera peale käiv raadiosaatja ning sünkrokaabel on olemas. Kogu selle tehnika saab kiirelt kahte kompaktsesse kotti kokku pakkida, et seda siis ükskõik kus üles lüüa ning pildistada nagu proff. Tänases Point TV`s vaatame lähemalt milline see komplekt on ja kuidas sellega pildistada.
Hier ist ein Unboxingvideo zum Elinchrom D-Lite it 4 2 Go Set.
Testing a Vagabond 230 Volt with 2 Elinchrom D-Lite 4 it and it works beautiful :-) (2x 400Watt) Apparently, someone else has been able to use the 230V version with their d-lite 4 IT's without any issues so if you are looking into using an external battery pack with the d-lite 4's, I would recommend that you purchase the 230V version of the VML. Just remember that you won't be able to use the VML as a backup battery pack for emergencies since the voltage current is higher. This video is strictly to inform others who plan on purchasing the vagabond mini lithium in order to use with their elinchrom d-lite 4's. Reports have circulated that d-lites "might" work with the VML but this is actual footage showing that a single d-lite WILL work, however multiple d-lites will in fact not work due to the bi-voltage nature of the strobes. The BXRI's by elinchrom have been reported as working ok with the vml, but i don't have any bxri's to test. the d-lite 4's hiccup or glitch when used on the same power levels but apparently work if they are on the extreme's. (one at full power and the other at minimum power) elinchrom RX600 x 4 with the vagabond mini lithium
Testing the Paul C Buff Vagabond II portable power with 2 multivoltage strobes (Elinchrom DLite-4).
This is an unboxing video of the starterskit: Elinchrom studioflash. Bought it in a local photography store for 660 euros.
Produktinformation Elinchrom D-Lite it. Här går vi igenom aggregatet funktioner och egenskaper.
Elinchrom D-Lite it Lighting Guide Content: 7: Skyport 8: Set-ups 9: Want to know more? Presented by Chris Burfoot.
Elinchrom D-Lite it Lighting Guide Content: 1: introduction 2: What's in the box? 3: Assembling the soft boxes 4: A Closer Look 5: The Controls 6: The "Eye-Cell" Presented by Chris Burfoot.
Video showing Tronix Explorer XT3 with 2 Elinchrom BXRI 500 and 2 Elinchrom Dlite 4. (From low to high power settings). Tronix Explorer XT3 is designed for multiple bi-voltage compacts and more powerful compacts and powerpacks. It gives faster recycle (close to that of AC/wall socket recycling time). For more information:
Setul D-Lite2 IT To Go este compus din doua surse de lumina, blitzurile DLite 2 IT, cu o serie de accesorii de baza (stative, cabluri sincronizare, softboxuri de 66 x 66 cm, geanta de transport) care va permit sa incepeti imediat lucru in studio, putandu-va incerca creativitatea. Sistemul IT (Intelligent Triggering) va permite sa declansati wireless. Noul D-Lite IT vine in plus cu urmatoarele: - receptor EL-Skyport incorporat; - 4 canale de frecventa compatibile cu ELS Transmitter si ECO Transmitter; - mod de sincronizare rapida (EL-Skyport Speed Sync Mode) pana la 1/250s compatibil cu ECO; - sistem de management a pre-flashurilor RED-EYE; - carcasa cu design nou; - in manerul blitului se afla siguranta de rezerva. Mai multe amanunte:
Professional Photographer Bob Stephani guides you through the digital panel of the wonderful Elinchrom D Lite IT!
In diesem Video stellt euch Vize Präsident Chris Whittle das Einsteiger Blitzset vor ! Facebook:
To order, click this link: Tronix Explorer XT3 is the most powerful battery pack among the Tronix Explorer product line. At 800 Watts Continuous Power / 2400 Ws Peak Power Rating.
Bei Amazon DE kaufen Produktbeschreibungen Elinchrom DLite 2 it To D-Lite2 it des renomierten schweizer Herstellers ELINCHROM eignet sich perfekt für den Einstieg in die Portrait-...