AdoramaTV presents Sekonic Light Meters. This week Mark shows us the features and benefits of the Sekonic L358 and the Sekonic L758DR. For more information about Sekonic light meters and related articles and videos, go here: Send your questions to:
セコニック露出計『デジタルマスターL-758D』は、世界初デジタルカメラ対応の露出計として露出プロファイル機能をはじめ様々な機能を搭載しています。このビデオパート1ではその魅力溢れる機能について基本機能を中心に詳しい説明が収録されています。 ・分離測光システム ・スポット測光時のファインダー内液晶表示 ・低輝度測定・繰り返し精度 ・光球・平板ワンタッチ切替え ・メモリー機能とメモリークリアー機能 ・カスタムセッティング ・パソコンとのUSB接続 デジタル露出コントロール機能 ・露出プロファイル機能引き続きパート2にて、露出計L-758Dの全容をご覧ください。
PRICING & AVAILABILITY Sekonic L-758DR - - This is an unboxing and overview of the Sekonic L-758DR DigitalMaster programmable light meter. Visit our channel for more super cool unboxings / reviews!
Part one of the Sekonic L-758DR DigitalMaster covers the following topics: Basic Features Flash / Ambient Analyzing Illuminated View Finder Low light Sensitivity Unmatched Accuracy and Consistency Retractable Lumisphere New Enhanced Features New Memory Mode The Power of Wireless Freedom Custom Settings New Memory Clear mode USB Port and Cable Digital Exposure Control Features Exposure Profiling Be sure to watch part two for a comprehensive explanation of the lightmeter's features.
Learn more at: Welcome to the Sekonic L-758DR Quick Start five-part video series. In this first video, we'll show you how to get your L-758DR up and running and give you an overview of its most popular functions. Watch the other videos in this series: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4:
Learn more at Zack explains how to use a Sekonic meter with a receiving FlexTT5.
Video Description of the sekonic L 358 light meter. Sekonic manufacture a range of sophisticated light meters for professional and amateur use, starting with the L-208 twin mate. Up to the dual master L-758 dr. The light meters are suitable for weddings and portraits commercial or industrial fashion or editorial landscape and wildlife and include cine and video. Sekonic Corporation based in Japan provides one of the widest range of light measurement devices for photographers around the world. The company was established in 1951 and over the years demand for the Sekonic range of exposure light meters, has brought the Sekonic company to the position it now holds as one of the world leaders in light meters.
Learn more at Light Meters and DSLR with Jem Schofield is a short video about using the Sekonic L-758 Cine to assist when shooting DSLR in various situations with different types of lighting.
Calibrated to match the Sensitivity of Your Camera's Imaging Sensor. Spot & Incident Light Readings Under Flash and/or Ambient Lighting Conditions
Acquista da Amazon Italy Descrizione prodotto Sekonic Cine Sekonic L-758 Digitalmaster Cine Rivelazione: Neukom partecipa al Programma Affiliazione Amazon EU, un programma di affiliazione che consente ai siti di percepire una commissione pubblicitaria pubblicizzando e fornendo link al sito Amazon e il logo Amazon sono marchi registrati di Amazon, Inc. o delle sue affiliate.
Bei deutsche Amazon-Website kaufen Produktbeschreibungen Sekonic Digitalmaster Sekonic L-758 Digitalmaster Cine Haftungsausschlüsse Lesambassadeurs ist Teilnehmer des Partnerprogramms von Amazon EU, das zur Bereitstellung eines Mediums für Websites konzipiert wurde, mittels dessen durch die Platzierung von Werbeanzeigen und Links zu Amazon DE Werbekostenerstattung verdient werden kann. Amazon und das Amazon-Logo sind Warenzeichen von Amazon, Inc. oder eines seiner verbundenen Unternehmen.
Get the best offer here Customer Reviews "pricey for what it is and does, but you'll never have to buy a new one" Product Description Sekonic Meter The Sekonic L-758Cine DIGITALMASTER is the ultimate light-measuring tool for cinematographers, videographers as well as digital still shooters. Offering the most extensive range of fps (frames-per-second), cine shutter speeds, and shutter angle settings, it meets and excedes the demands of Professional Cinematographers as well as Professional Still Photographers. It is the first to offer a 1° parallax-free spot viewfinder with a digital display. A built-in retractable incident Lumisphere for standard or cosine corrected light readings, provides both hemispherical and narrow angle readings. The L-758Cine DUALMASTER will handle any lighting situation. It offers foot-candle, lux, foot-lambert and cd/m2 measuring modes plus cine shutter speeds from 1 to 1000 fps and shutter angle settings from 1° to 270°.
Bei Amazon DE kaufen Produktbeschreibungen Sekonic L758 Digitalmaster Cine Sekonic L-758 Digitalmaster Cine